Nanoxia Deep Silence 1 Rev.B: quando una revisione non stravolge il design

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Nanoxia-DS1-Rev-B-14Nanoxia è un brand che nel corso degli anni si è fatta conoscere ed apprezzare dagli utenti grazie ad un design elegante, qualità dei materiali assicurata e particolari curati, nonché per caratteristiche utili come un’eccellente insonorizzazione. Oggi abbiamo il piacere di portarvi la recensione della nuova revisione del Nanoxia Deep Silence 1. Nanoxia per il suo Mid-Tower ha già approntato la revisione B come per molti altri modelli presenti a listino. Con tale revisione Nanoxia non stravolge il design o le caratteristiche principali ma le amplia, migliorando ulteriormente questo modello. QUI potete trovare la nostra recensione della priva revisione del DS1. Bene siamo pronti per analizzare la nuova revisione di questo eccellente case Made in Germany.





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A seguire una descrizione del brand Nanoxia e di alcuni suoi obiettivi per gli anni a seguire: “Behind the name “Nanoxia” stands a team of experienced German developers who are enthusiastically turning their innovative ideas into reality. High quality and especially sophisticated components at competitive prices are the primary goal of our work.

We place a particular importance on ergonomic, low-noise components, which make working with the PC more enjoyable. Our focus is to offer PC cases that provide customers with unique technical features.

Already our first PC case, the Deep Silence 1, which was launched in autumn 2012, was recognized by international reviewers worldwide with numerous awards. The innovative design and the exceptional quality let professionals and enthusiasts alike take notice. Likewise, the Deep Silence 2, which was released soon after, has received numerous awards from around the world.

A complete series of silent case fans, as well as a broad range of high quality cables has since been added to the portfolio.

In the fall of 2013, we celebrated the global launch of three more models of the Deep Silence case series. With the Deep Silence 6 as new flagship of the series, the Deep Silence 5 Big-Tower, the Deep Silence 4 Mini-Tower we now offer a wide range of classic cases, which are tailored to the needs of our demanding clientele.

In 2014, we completed the Deep Silence case series with the Deep Silence 3 Midi Tower. Like our other cases, the Deep Silence 3 was able to quickly reap a sizable collection of awards.

For 2015, we are expecting even more state-of-the-art products to hit the markets.”


Riportiamo di seguito le caratteristiche principali del prodotto:

  • Design classico – Made in Germany
  • Pannelli fonoassorbenti
  • Supporto a schede madri in formato XL-ATX
  • Struttura in Acciaio
  • Fan controller
  • Altezza per dissipatori CPU 185mm


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